(Dialogue between the two Source Hunters) +1 Forgiving or +1 Vindictive after you speak with Eglandaer for the first time at the Inn.Various amounts of XP depending on how you complete it.There are also some lootable crates and sacks, mainly containing a few coins. (Note: You cannot recruit them right now). There are many fellow prisoners on board this ship, including your future teammates. 1800 XP for completing the quest, no matter the way you do it Troubled Waters The epic journey of D:OS II starts in The Hold - the prison ship that transports sourcerers to Fort Joy.Victoria's reward chest if you avoid assassinating Eglandaer in his cell and talk to Victoria instead.The guards will not intervene if the door is closed). OR, use a teleport spell, like Expert Marksman or Tactical Retreat to get inside his cell and assassinate him (750 XP). Eglandaer body loot, including the key for the chest in the basement (to get this, go to the prison in the basement of Legion HQ and open the door of his cell.300 XP and +1 Reputation for nailing Eglandaer.Return to Victoria in her library to complete the quest. Divinity: Original Sin 2 Starting Guide and Beginner’s Tips By PCInvasion Staff SeptemDivinity: Original Sin 2 is an expansive RPG with an almost ridiculous number of interactive. For Eglandaer to be arrested you must visit the upper floor of the King Crab Inn, where you will witness a legionnaire arresting Eglandaer in his room. Pickpocket Eglandaer for his Bloody Amulet and turn it in. When you bring it up with Aureus, he will ask for proof. Speak to Victoria and choose to pursue arresting him.As with the 3rd option, there is the possibility to earn +1 Righteous and to attack Eglandaer instead of pickpocketing him.Pickpocket the amulet from Victoria, then take it back to Eglandaer.Close the room door before you attack him or you will have to fight all the occupants of the floor. NOTE: Instead of pickpocketing Eglandaer after giving him Victoria's amulet, you can attack him as he walks away and loot his body.You won't be able to get him arrested due to a lack of proof, but you'll still earn +1 Righteous for trying. Tell Aureus that someone needs to be arrested and mention Eglandaer. NOTE: You can speak to Aureus at Legion HQ prior to confronting Eglandaer for +1 Righteous.300 XP + 300 Charisma XP for convincing Victoria.Talk to Victoria and convince her to lend you her amulet, then take it back to Eglandaer for your reward.It will not affect the main story line though. IMPORTANT NOTE: Mayor Cecil will refuse to talk to you for the rest of the game, and several quests will be permanently locked out.Eglandaer Reward Chest (you will have to pickpocket his key for the chest in the basement).Kill Victoria in Mayor Cecil's library, loot her pendant and take it back to Eglandaer.Eglandaer body loot, including the key for the chest in the basement.Choose to oppose him right there, He will attack you and be killed.There are a number of ways you can complete the quest from here: Condemn the orc for their vile behavior.

He asks you to kill Victoria (the orc librarian in Mayor Cecil's house) and bring him her Amulet.Merely entering his room grants you 90xp.Speak to him again upstairs at the Inn.Speak to Eglandaer, who can be found to the South West of the cemetery, to obtain the quest.The Quick Questions and Looking for Group Threads exist for a reason, use them.Elf-Orc Blood Feud is a side quest given by Eglandaer, an Elf located in Cyseal, to the South West of the cemetery in Divinity: Original Sin. He'll ask to speak to you on the 2nd floor of the King Crab Inn. After being pickpocketed, the victim will look for the thief and question members of your party or will inform guards to shake suspects down.

>!This is spoilery!< to get This is spoilery Browse their wares through the shop before Pickpocketing then so you know what to steal and where it's located in their inventory. Submissions should relate to Divinity Original Sin or other works of Larian Studios.ĭo not put spoilers in the title of your post and mark your posts. Join up with a friend to play online in co-op and make your own adventures with the powerful RPG toolkit. Gather your party and get ready for a new, back-to-the-roots RPG adventure! Discuss your decisions with companions fight foes in turn-based combat explore an open world and interact with everything and everyone you see. Welcome To The Divinity: Original Sin Subreddit! Looking for a Group to play with? Try this thread || Discussion Overview